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Staying Motivated While Working From Home

A lot of things affect our motivation. Especially the motivation to work.

The mood, our diet, external environment, exercise, every little thing matters. Even our sleep cycle. It all plays a role in how attentive and driven we are during the day.

With the recent events, working from home is still the current norm. The post covid is not likely to erase the impact of work from home. It may take part in our life for a longer period of time. For some, work from home was already the norm. Especially if you are in mlm business software or MLM. 

So what are some ways we can stay motivated with this new set of norms? It is not always easy to stay motivated to work when our workspace is also the place where we watch Netflix and sleep. 

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  1. Writing Down Your Daily Goals

Goals help us to stay focused. It aligns with our priorities. Make a habit of writing down your goals at the beginning of the day or even before sleeping. Preparing ahead of time gives us a set of expectations for ourselves. We are more likely to work towards the broken-down simpler goals of the day to fulfill the bigger picture.

If your goal is to write a 1000 word blog post for the company by the end of the week, make a goal of the day to finish at least 200 words by the end of the day. This way you are not overwhelmed with deadlines and bountiful of an endless amount of work. 

  1. Creating A Workspace At Home 

Your home is not your office. But you can always make your own little workspace to revitalize yourself. Your bed should not be your workspace. This is a dedicated space for sleep. Your workspace could be a separate desk decorated with a schedule, planner, and calendar. It should have a coaster for your coffee, perhaps a little scented candle by the side, or an oil diffuser for the calming effect.

A sturdy office chair to make you truly feel at the office. A box of tissues and a stack of pens along with your favorite plushie or a soft neck pillow for support and comfort. Make sure you are comfortable at your work desk and you have limited every little bit of distraction in your designated area. 

  1. Take Regular Breaks

During my university days, I was told to study in 30-minute segments for maximum productivity. Study for 30 and take a break for another fifteen. This worked for a lot of us. We were not completely drained and we studied for a longer period of time.

Similarly, in the work environment, it is important that we learn to take breaks. We can take five to ten minutes rest times every one hour. Working non-stop for a lengthy period of time is not as productive as one may deem. It can produce less quality work. Be mindful of how you rest and take care of your own mind. 

  1. Pamper Yourself 

Self-care is key to success. When we take care of ourselves, our lives become easier. We become more content with our work and take criticism better. Good self-care may include a healthy diet, good exercise routine, mindfulness, self-awareness, meditations, prayer, and even little chill times.

These are all crucial towards improving your own work quality and efficiency, good self-care can put us in improved moods and studies suggest that our productivity is higher when we are feeling better with ourselves. 

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