Does Proton Offer a New Car Insurance Policy?

As a car owner, it is crucial to protect your investment by obtaining a comprehensive car insurance policy. With the numerous car insurance providers available, it can be overwhelming to choose the most suitable option for your needs. One noteworthy provider to consider is Proton, a renowned Malaysian automotive brand. In this article, we will explore whether Proton offers a new car insurance policy, its benefits, and how to take advantage of this service.

Introduction to Proton Car Insurance

Proton, a Malaysian car manufacturer, has gained popularity for its reliable vehicles over the years. Recognizing the importance of providing comprehensive services to its customers, Proton has expanded into the car insurance sector. With its extensive knowledge and commitment to customer satisfaction, Proton car insurance aims to cater to the unique needs of car owners.

Benefits of Proton Car Insurance

There are various advantages to obtaining car insurance from Proton. Let’s delve into some of the key benefits:

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: Proton car insurance offers comprehensive coverage for accidental damage, theft, or natural disasters. This ensures that car owners can enjoy peace of mind, knowing that they are protected in various unforeseen circumstances.

  2. Industry Expertise: Proton’s experience in the automotive industry enables them to understand the specific requirements of their customers. With this knowledge, they can tailor insurance policies to meet the needs of different vehicle owners.

  3. Fast and Efficient Claims Process: In the unfortunate event of an accident or any other incident, Proton car insurance promises a swift and hassle-free claims process. This ensures that car owners can get their vehicles repaired or replaced promptly.

  4. Access to Authorized Service Centers: Proton car insurance allows policyholders access to a network of authorized service centers. This ensures that repairs and maintenance are performed by skilled professionals using genuine parts, guaranteeing optimal vehicle performance.

  5. Additional Coverage Options: Proton car insurance offers various additional coverage options, such as coverage for accessories, personal accident benefits, and windscreen protection. This allows policyholders to customize their insurance plans according to their specific needs.

How to Purchase Proton Car Insurance

To purchase Proton car insurance, follow these simple steps:

  1. Research and Comparison: Visit Proton’s official website or their authorized insurance partner to explore the available insurance policies. Compare the coverage, benefits, and premiums offered to find a policy that best suits your requirements.

  2. Fill in the Application: Once you have chosen your desired insurance policy, proceed to fill in the necessary personal and vehicle details in the online application form. Ensure that you provide accurate information to receive an accurate quote.

  3. Review and Payments: After submitting your application, carefully review the policy details and premium calculations. Make the necessary payment to secure your car insurance coverage.

  4. Receive Policy Documentation: Upon successful payment, you will receive the policy documents via email or mail. It is essential to keep these documents safe as they serve as proof of your insurance coverage.


Proton car insurance offers a comprehensive solution for car owners, combining Proton’s expertise in the automotive industry with reliable insurance coverage. By opting for Proton car insurance, car owners can protect their investment and enjoy numerous benefits such as comprehensive coverage, a seamless claims process, and access to authorized service centers. Take the necessary steps to obtain your Proton car insurance policy today and experience the peace of mind that comes with being well-protected.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What types of coverage does Proton car insurance offer?
    Proton car insurance offers comprehensive coverage for accidental damage, theft, and natural disasters, along with additional options such as personal accident benefits and windscreen protection.

  2. Can I customize my Proton car insurance policy according to my needs?
    Yes, Proton car insurance allows policyholders to customize their insurance plans with additional coverage options according to their specific requirements.

  3. How long does it take to process a claim with Proton car insurance?
    Proton car insurance promises a fast and efficient claims process, ensuring that policyholders receive prompt assistance in the event of an accident or incident.

  4. Are repairs and maintenance covered by Proton car insurance?
    Proton car insurance provides policyholders with access to a network of authorized service centers, ensuring that repairs and maintenance are performed by skilled professionals using genuine parts.

  5. Where can I purchase Proton car insurance?
    You can purchase Proton car insurance through Proton’s official website or their authorized insurance partner.